Thursday, September 15, 2016

A Garden update...

In case you are new to the blog and didn't get to see the previous GARDEN posts, here are the links:

I didn't realise I had posted so many. I love the before and afters, makes it even more worthwhile when you can see how much you have achieved.

And here is the update...

We haven't been able to do a great deal in the garden since Sunday due to the heavens opening up and providing us with some much needed rain. It did however clear up for a little while on Monday so we were able to get in a little garden time YAY! Oh, we grew a few inches in the process though from the mud that stuck to our shoes hehe!

Monday 12 September 2016

Pretty happy with today's efforts. Our back garden area is really starting to take shape and looking and feeling good.

Mark split some of the Bromiliads, Big Green plant things(next to the Lion in the next pic) and Ag's and planted them along the lattice to provide more of a screen so the kids bike shed mess eventually wont be seen. Oh wait...there won't be any mess because Mum is going to cull it all!

From a patch of leaves (12 plastic bags full) to hopefully a beautiful scrub area. Hebe's, silvery plant with white flowers and a couple of Ag's in AND I made a path to the wood box (just an old chest freezer that shit itself ages ago). A fernery would of been awesome in here, but they were a little too pricey. I also sprinkled a packet of cottage garden seeds in here too - at $1 a packet if they grow it's a bonus. I just want them to grow already...yes, yes, I know have patience!:)

OK I know I had already done this section but we were looking at the dirt patch in front and thought instead of 'trying' to grow grass which is hard to mow there why not just widen the garden bed...and so I did! We had some rouge lily's on the back fence so I transplanted them over to here. I ran out of colourful seed packets so will need to go to Aldi and get some more but the daffodils, iris and tulips add some beautiful colour and once the lilys come out there will be even more. We must remember to prune the roses back in June.

We planted a couple of Yukkcas that we had in pots in the pool area...much better than getting root bound in the little pot. We still have so much to do to this area still before summer. Can't wait for the new pool - it's the boys Christmas present from Mum and us. We had one of the plastic blow up rim ones but last year it ripped - we got a good run out of it though. :)

Added some colour to the front of the pool fence and found 3 big pavers under the grass SO now we have another job to do...make a proper path in front of the gate.

Plum Tree planted along the back fence near the shed. We have one at the opposite end of the fence too but shes already huge and so pretty with lots of blossoms at the moment.

We thinned out the 'fire plants' along the back fence and replanted some bulbs in the spaces. The ones that Mark pulled out he cut down and saved the bulbs - Mums going to take some and he's going to plant some in pots as part of his new little venture.   We also added some more Ag's to the area and I put some sunflower seeds along the back.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Mum gave me a cutting of her Christmas flower so I planted it in an old pot I had lying around. It looks like it was made for this exact space...thank you Mr. Gargoyle Dog.

As it was too wet to do anything in the actual garden Mark sat (yes in his PJ's, Dressing Gown and Slippers) and trimmed up some Ag's that I had pulled out, ready for replanting.

He also managed to get quite a big pile of root stocks to be able to grow.

While Mark did his Agi trimming, I wrote up some garden plans and updated our to do list. Much less overwhelming when we break it down although omgoodness there is still so much to be done. Some of this is also little notes of what I planted and where I planted it so that I will know when it all comes into bloom.

Something random to end the post...Mark discovered a puppy dog rock in the garden...I shall name him Cliff!

And that's it for now, hoping that the weekend will be nice enough to get out and do some more...stay tuned!

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